Get Fame Name and Success Mantra | Krishna Mantra

Get Fame Name and Success Mantra - Krishna Mantra

📅 Sep 12th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Get Fame Name and Success Mantra belongs to the deity Lord Krishna. Worshipping Krishna invokes higher frequencies in the sadhaka and helps attain every craved goal in life. This Krishna Mantra is recited especially for getting wealth and prosperity.

Get Fame Name and Success Mantra belongs to the deity Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is the eighth incarnation of God Vishnu. Lord Krishna is the only avatar or incarnation of Supreme God Vishnu, termed as Purna, or full incarnation.

Worshipping Lord Krishna invokes higher frequencies in the seeker and helps attain every desired goal in life. Hindus celebrate Krishna’s birthday on Krishna Janmashtami, which falls in late August or early September according to the lunisolar Hindu calendar.

Krishna plays a central role in the Mahabharata epic. He serves as the charioteer and guide to Arjuna during the Kurukshetra War. The Bhagavad Gita, a profound spiritual discourse, occurs within the Mahabharata.

Krishna embodies compassion, tenderness, and love. His interactions with devotees, especially the gopis (cowherd girls) and Radha, exemplify divine love.

Practitioners use this Krishna Mantra specifically to attain wealth, money, and prosperity.

There are some periods in life when we want to be famous with a good reputation and simultaneously want success.

How hard may we try but it seems a difficult task to achieve? Some people in society or the family get these aspects of life easily, without any effort.

While our Karmas may influence it, we can alter it with the assistance of this Krishna Mantra.

How To Chant The Get Fame Name and Success Mantra

  • People perform this Krishna Sadhna for name, fame, and success.
  • You can only start this Sadhana the day after Amavasya.
  • Wear yellow clothes for this purpose.
  • Worship Lord Krishna with incense and flowers.
  • Lit a pure ghee lamp before Lord Krishna.
  • Chant 5 rosaries of this mantra with the Sphatik rosary.
  • Complete this Sadhana on the Poornima or Full Moon Day.
  • Wear that rosary before going to any important work.

Krishna Mantra

ॐ कं सर्वोदयं क्रीं ॐ फट |
“Om Kam Sarvodayam Kreem Om Phat”

Click Here For The Audio Of The Mantra

The devotees of Lord Krishna also love to recite the Krishna Stotra in the morning. Many believe that reciting this divine stotra can destroy all sins. The seeker attains material affluence and sons and grandsons. In Krishnaism, Krishna is worshipped as the Supreme God and Svayam Bhagavan (God Himself) in some traditions.

 Krishna Stotra By Lord Brahma

श्रीकृष्णस्तोत्रं ब्रह्मवैवर्तपुराणे ब्रह्मकृतम् 


कृष्णं वन्दे गुणातीतं गोविन्दमेकमक्षरम्
अव्यक्तमव्ययं व्यक्तं गोपवेषविधायिनम् ॥ १॥


kri'shnam' vande gunaateetam' govindamekamaksharam
avyaktamavyayam' vyaktam' gopaveshavidhaayinam .. 1..

किशोरवयसं शान्तं गोपीकान्तं मनोहरम् ।
नवीननीरदश्यामं कोटिकन्दर्पसुन्दरम् ॥ २॥

kishoravayasam' shaantam' gopeekaantam' manoharam .
naveenaneeradashyaamam' kot'ikandarpasundaram .. 2..

वृन्दावनवनाभ्यर्णे रासमण्डलसंस्थितम् ।
रासेश्वरं रासवासं रासोल्लाससमुत्सुकम् ॥ ३॥

vri'ndaavanavanaabhyarne raasamand'alasam'sthitam .
raaseshvaram' raasavaasam' raasollaasasamutsukam .. 3..

इत्येवमुक्त्वा तं नत्वा रत्नसिंहासने वरे ।
नारायणेशौ संभाष्य स उवास तदाज्ञया ॥ ४॥

ityevamuktvaa tam' natvaa ratnasim'haasane vare .
naaraayaneshau sambhaashya sa uvaasa tadaajnyayaa .. 4..

इति ब्रह्माकृतं स्तोत्रं प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत् ।
पापानि तस्य नश्यन्ति दुःस्वप्नः सुस्वप्नो भवेत् ॥ ५॥

iti brahmaakri'tam' stotram' praatarutthaaya yah' pat'het .
paapaani tasya nashyanti duh'svapnah' susvapno bhavet .. 5..

भक्तिभर्वति गोविन्दे श्रीपुत्रपौत्रवर्धिनी ।
अकीर्तिः क्षयमाप्नोति सत्कीर्तिर्वर्धते चिरम् ॥ ६॥

bhaktibharvati govinde shreeputrapautravardhinee .
akeertih' kshayamaapnoti satkeertirvardhate chiram .. 6..

इति ब्रह्मावैवर्ते ब्रह्माकृतं श्रीकृष्णस्तोत्रम् ।




Vishnu Shatnaam Stotram

Vishnu Sudarshan Chakra Mantra




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