Remove Stones Mantra is a shabar mantra to eradicate the stones formed in the body at various parts. If you wish to get rid of stones naturally, there are certain effective natural remedies too.
Stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your body. Diet, excess body weight, some medical conditions, and certain supplements and medications are among the many causes of stones.
Stones can affect any part of your body like the urinary tract — from your kidneys to your bladder. Often, stones form when the urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together.
Bladder or kidney stones vary in size, shape, and texture- some are small, hard, and smooth whereas others are huge, spiked, and very soft. One can have one or multiple stones.
Factors that increase your risk of developing stones include Family or personal history, Dehydration, Certain diets, Obesity. Digestive diseases and surgery and Certain supplements and medications.
The most common reason for the formation of stones is the lack of water. It is recommended to drink plenty of water. Kulthi Dal (Horse gram), Rajma (Kidney beans), and Apple Cider Vinegar also help in dissolving the stones in the body.
People in the Vedic and post-Vedic eras used natural remedies and mantras to get rid of the stones. The shabar mantra is used to eradicate the stones and the pains associated with them.
A great sadhu has used this mantra with astonishing results. The mantra is also called Kayakalp Mantra. The mantra was revealed by Gurudev Narayan Dutt Shrimali in his courses.
Remove Stone or Pathri Mantra
पथरी निकलने का मंत्र
ॐ धुरा कीला भांबर चूल्हा पाथर पाटी लावे रीला हाथ लटावै पूरा पहाड़ लावै जो न लावै तो चमारी के कुंड में पड़े |
Om Dhura Keela Bhaambar Choolha Paathar Paatee Laave Reela Haath Lataavai Poora Pahaad Laavai Jo Na Laavai To Chamaaree Ke Kund Mein Pade |
How To Use The Remove Stones Mantra
- First, attain the siddhi or mastery of the mantra.
- Bring 100 grams of black sesame seeds on any Saturday.
- Make sure that there is no white seed in it.
- Make a pulp of seeds by grinding them on a Grinding Stone.
- Then make 108 tablets of this pulp.
- Swallow these pills one by one while reciting the mantra on Saturday night between 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock.
- By doing this on the night of 3 Saturdays, this mantra becomes Siddha
- Then on the day, you want to remove someone's stone, on that day, you will have to swallow these 108 pills again.
- Then on that day make wheat flour and divide it into 3 parts.
- Put two parts around the navel of the patient.
- And while rotating the third part on the body, recite the mantra 3 times.
- Whatever part of the body the stone is in, it will automatically come out.
- The effect of this practice lasts for 24 hours.
- With this method, you can remove as many stones as you can in a day.
- किसी भी शनिवार को 100 ग्राम काले तिल लेकर आयें | यह ध्यान रखें की उसमें कोई भी सफ़ेद तिल न हो |
- किसी सिलबट्टे पर पीस कर इनकी लुगदी बना लें |
- फिर इस लुगदी की 108 गोलियाँ बना लें |
- शनिवार की रात्रि को १२ बजे से लेकर 1 बजे के बीच इन गोलियों को एक एक बार मंत्र बोलते हुए निगल लें |
- 1 मंत्र पढिए और 1 गोली खा लीजिए | और ऐसा करते हुए 108 गोलियां खा लीजिए |
- ऐसा ३ शनिवार की रात्रि को करने पर यह मन्त्र सिद्द हो जाता है |
- फिर जिस दिन आपने किसी की पथरी को निकलना हो , उस दिन आपको यह 108 गोलियां फिर से खानी पड़ेगीं |
- फिर उस दिन गेंहू का आटा बना कर उसके 3 हिस्से कर लें |
- दो हिस्से मरीज़ की नाभि के आस पास लगा दें |
- और तीसरे हिस्से को शरीर पर घुमाते हुए 3 बार मंत्र पढिए |
- पथरी शरीर के जिस अंग में भी होगी अपने आप बाहर निकल जाएगी |
- इस विद्या का प्रभाव 24 घंटे तक रहता है |
- इस विद्या से आप दिन में जितनी चाहें उतनी पथरियाँ निकल सकते हैं |