
Vishnu Aprajita Anushthan

Vishnu Aprajita Anushthan

Sep 13, 2021

Vishnu Aprajita is an energy of Lord Vishnu which can never be defeated. This Vishnu Aprajita Anushthan connects you with the higher vibrations of Lord Vishnu’s energy Aprajita.
Black Magic Removal Narasimha Mantra | Remove Evil

Black Magic Removal Narasimha Mantra - Remove Evil

Sep 13, 2021

Black Magic Removal Narasimha Mantra is a weapon to destroy the black magic. Narasimha is an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, one who incarnates in the form of part lion and part man to destroy evil, end religious persecution and calamity on Earth, thereby restoring Dharma.
Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra | One Day Mantra Sadhana

Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra - One Day Mantra Sadhana

Sep 13, 2021

Get Grace of Lakshmi Narasimha with Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra which is performed on the auspicious day of Holi. The mantra is a very rare mantra which many sadhaks and yogis get from their respective Gurus after years of service and sacrifice.
Mantra for Success in Tantra | Narayan Dutt Shrimali

Mantra for Success in Tantra - Narayan Dutt Shrimali

Sep 13, 2021

Excel in Spiritual Life with Mantra for Success in Tantra. The mantra belongs to the Lord Narasimha and the sadhana is performed on the auspicious day of Holi. This Holika mantra is practiced for getting success in tantra, mantra and yantras.
Narasimha 108 Names | श्री नृसिंहाष्टोत्तर शत नामावली

Narasimha 108 Names - श्री नृसिंहाष्टोत्तर शत नामावली

Sep 13, 2021

Narasimha 108 Names is a stotra depicting the divine hundred names of Lord Narasimha. The divine names of Lord Narasimha are a boon to His devotees. The names not only provide cosmic energy but also removes all the negative forces surrounding the sadhaka.
Narasimha Ashtottar Shat Naamavli | श्रीनृसिंहाष्टोत्तरशतनाम

Narasimha Ashtottar Shat Naamavli - श्रीनृसिंहाष्टोत्तरशतनाम

Sep 13, 2021

Narasimha Ashtottar Shat Naamavli is a stotra depicting 108 divine names of Lord Narasimha. It is believed that one who recites this Nrisimha Ashtottar Shat Naamavli every day attains all worldly desires in a short span of time.
Narasimha Dwadasa Nama Stotram | 12 Names

Narasimha Dwadasa Nama Stotram - 12 Names

Sep 13, 2021

Narasimha Dwadasa Nama Stotram is a stotra depicting the divine twelve names of Lord Narasimha. The twelve names of Lord Nrisimha remove all the sins and wrong Karmas. These pious names remove any kind of skin disease and any type of fever.
Narasimha Kavacham From Brahmasamhita

Narasimha Kavacham From Brahmasamhita

Sep 13, 2021

Narasimha Kavacham From Brahmasamhita is an armor to the reciter. One who listens to this Kavacham every day enjoys the divine grace of Lord Narasimha and he becomes victorious everywhere.


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