Narasimha Dwadasa Nama Stotram | 12 Names

Narasimha Dwadasa Nama Stotram - 12 Names

📅 Sep 13th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Narasimha Dwadasa Nama Stotram is a stotra depicting the divine twelve names of Lord Narasimha. The twelve names of Lord Nrisimha remove all the sins and wrong Karmas. These pious names remove any kind of skin disease and any type of fever.

Narasimha Dwadasa Nama Stotram is a stotra depicting the divine twelve names of Lord Narasimha. Lord Narasimha is the fourth incarnation of God Vishnu, is half-lion half-human, and furnishes a very fascinating study of the lord’s incarnation to alleviate the sufferings of devotees.

Lord Narasimha killed the king of Rakshasa, the Hiranyakashipu. Holi commemorates the death of Holika to save Prahlad and we see where Holi gets its name.

Narasimha is an influential iconic symbol of creative resistance, hope against odds, victory over persecution, and destruction of evil. He is the destructor of not only external evil but also one’s inner evil.

Narasimha is an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, one who incarnates in the form of part lion and part man to exterminate evil, and end religious persecution and calamity on Earth, thereby restoring Dharma.

The twelve names of Lord Nrisimha terminate all the sins and unjust Karmas. These holy names remove any kind of skin disease and any type of fever.

The seeker gets protection from endemics, floods, forests, mountains, thieves, animals, and war. And repeating it one thousand times would help you get what you want.

Narasimha Dwadasa Nama Stotram Text

श्री नृसिंह द्वादश नाम स्तोत्रं

प्रथमं तु महाज्वालो द्वितीयं तूग्रकेसरी ।
तृतीयं वज्रदंष्ट्रश्च चतुर्थं तु विशारदः ॥ १॥

prathamaṃ tu mahājvālo dvitīyaṃ tūgrakesarī
tṛtīyaṃ vajradaṃṣṭraśca caturthaṃ tu viśāradaḥ

Firstly great flame, secondly the angry lion,
Thirdly one with diamond like teeth ,
Fourthly the great expert.

पञ्चमं नारसिंहश्च षष्ठः कश्यपमर्दनः ।
सप्तमो यातुहन्ता च अष्टमो देववल्लभः ॥ २॥

pañcamaṃ nārasiṃhaśca ṣaṣṭhaḥ kaśyapamardanaḥ
saptamo yātuhantā ca aṣṭamo devavallabhaḥ

Fifthly the Man-lion, Sixthly the killer of Kasyapa’s son,
Seventhly Killer of Asuras and eighthly the Lord of devas.

नव प्रह्लादवरदो दशमोऽनन्तहस्तकः ।
एकादशो महारुद्रो द्वादशो दारुणस्तथा ॥ ३॥

nava prahlādavarado daśamo’nantahastakaḥ
ekādaśo mahārudro dvādaśo dāruṇastathā

Ninthly The one who blessed Prahlada, tenthly the one with endless hands,
The eleventh is the great God who is angry and the twelfth is the one who helps at right time.

Benefits Narasimha Dwadasa Nama Stotra

द्वादशैतानि नामानि नृसिंहस्य महात्मनः ।
मन्त्रराजेति विख्यातं सर्वपापविनाशनम् ॥ ४॥

dvādaśaitāni nāmāni nṛsiṃhasya mahātmanaḥ
mantrarājeti vikhyātaṃ sarvapāpavināśanam

These twelve names of the great God Narasimha,
Is called the king of chants and destroys all sins.

क्षयापस्मारकुष्ठादितापज्वरनिवारणम् ।
राजद्वारे महाघोरे सङ्ग्रामे च जलान्तरे ॥ ५॥

rājadvāre mahāghore saṅgrāme ca jalāntare

This cures Tuberculosis, epilepsy, leprosy, and Typhoid,
And is helpful in the gate of the king, in horrible wars, and inside water.

गिरिगह्वार आरण्ये व्याघ्रचोरामयादिषु ।
रणे च मरणे चैव शमदं परमं शुभम् ॥ ६॥

girigahvāra āraṇye vyāghracorāmayādiṣu
raṇe ca maraṇe caiva śamadaṃ paramaṃ śubham

It helps in mountains and forests populated by tigers and robbers,
And in war and death, it helps to get out safely and later attain salvation.

शतमावर्तयेद्यस्तु मुच्यते व्याधिबन्धनात् ।
आवर्तयेत्सहस्रं तु लभते वाञ्छितं फलम् ॥ ७॥

śatamāvartayedyastu mucyate vyādhibandhanāt
āvartayetsahasraṃ tu labhate vāñchitaṃ phalam

Repeating hundred times would help you get out of diseases and imprisonment,
And repeating it one thousand times would help you get what you want.

इति श्रीब्रह्मपुराणे ब्रह्मनारदसंवादे श्रीनृसिंहद्वादशनामस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।

iti śrībrahmapurāṇe brahmanāradasaṃvāde śrīlakṣmīnṛsiṃhadvādaśanāmastotraṃ sampūrṇam .




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