Rin Vimochana Narasimha Stotram | Debt Free Life

Rin Vimochana Narasimha Stotram - Debt Free Life

📅 Sep 13th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Rin Vimochana Narasimha Stotram helps to remove any kind of debt from life. This Narasimha Stotram removes all the debts and negative energies from one’s life and one who listens or practices this Stotram receives abundance.

Rin Vimochana Narasimha Stotram helps to remove any kind of debt from life. Narasimha is known primarily as the ‘Great Protector’ who specifically defends and protects his devotees in times of need.

Narasimha is often visualized as half-man/half-lion, having a human-like torso and lower body, with a lion-like face and claws.

Narasimha is an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, one who incarnates in the form of part lion and part man to destroy evil, end religious persecution and calamity on Earth, thereby restoring Dharma.

Narasimha is a significant iconic symbol of creative resistance, hope against odds, victory over persecution, and destruction of evil. He is the destructor of not only external evil but also one’s inner evil.

This Narasimha Stotram removes all the debts and negative energies from one’s life and one who listens or practices this Narasimha Stotram receives abundance & positive energies very soon in his life.

Rin Vimochana Narasimha Stotram Text

|| ऋणविमोचन नृसिंह स्तोत्रम् ||

देवता कार्यसिध्यर्थं सभास्तम्भसमुद्भवम्
श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये

Dēvatā kāryasidhyarthaṁ sabhāstambhasamudbhavam
śrīnr̥sinhaṁ mahāvīraṁ namāmi r̥ṇamuktayē

For the purpose of completing of the need of the devas,
You appeared from a pillar in a palace,
Oh, Narasimha who is a great warrior,
I salute you to get rid of my debts.

लक्ष्म्यालिङ्गितवामाङ्गं भक्तानामवरदायकम्
श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये

lakṣmyāliṅgitavāmāṅgaṁ bhaktānāmavaradāyakam
śrīnr̥sinhaṁ mahāvīraṁ namāmi r̥ṇamuktayē

Goddess Lakshmi embraces your left side,
And you give boons to your devotees,
Oh, Narasimha who is a great warrior,
I salute you to get rid of my debts

आन्त्रमालाधरं शङ्खचक्राब्जायुधधारिणम्
श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये

āntramālādharaṁ śaṅkhacakrābjāyudhadhāriṇam
śrīnr̥sinhaṁ mahāvīraṁ namāmi r̥ṇamuktayē

God who wears the inner part of your enemy as garland,
God who holds conch wheel, lotus, and other weapons,
Oh, Narasimha who is a great warrior,
I salute you to get rid of my debts

स्मरणात्सर्वपापघ्नं कद्रुजं विषनाशनम्
श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये

smaraṇātsarvapāpaghnaṁ kadrujaṁ viṣanāśanam
śrīnr̥sinhaṁ mahāvīraṁ namāmi r̥ṇamuktayē

God whose very thought kills all sins,
God who destroys poison of all snakes,
Oh, Narasimha who is a great warrior,
I salute you to get rid of my debts.

सिंहनादेन महता दिग्दन्तिभयनाशनम्
श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये

Sinhanādēna mahatā digdantibhayanāśanam
śrīnr̥sinhaṁ mahāvīraṁ namāmi r̥ṇamuktayē

God of a terrible lion-like roar,
Who removes the fear of elephants, which guard all directions,
Oh, Narasimha who is a great warrior,
I salute you to get rid of my debts.

प्रह्लादवरदं श्रीशं दैत्येश्वरविदारिणम्
श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये

prahlādavaradaṁ śrīśaṁ daityēśvaravidāriṇam
śrīnr̥sinhaṁ mahāvīraṁ namāmi r̥ṇamuktayē

God who was kind to Prahlada,
The lord of Lakshmi and he who ripped apart the king of demons,
Oh, Narasimha who is a great warrior,
I salute you to get rid of my debts

क्रूरग्रहपीड़िताणां भक्तानाम् अभयप्रदम्
श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये

krūragrahapīṛitāṇāṁ bhaktānām abhayapradam
śrīnr̥sinhaṁ mahāvīraṁ namāmi r̥ṇamuktayē

God who gives freedom from fear to devotes,
Who is being troubled by cruel planets,
Oh, Narasimha who is a great warrior,
I salute you to get rid of my debts.

वेद्वेदान्त यज्ञेशं ब्रह्मरुद्रादिवंदितम्
श्रीनृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये

vēdvēdānta yajñēśaṁ brahmarudrādivanditam
śrīnr̥sinhaṁ mahāvīraṁ namāmi r̥ṇamuktayē

God who is the lord of Vedas, Vedanta, and sacrifices,
Who is worshipped by Brahma, Rudra, and others,
Oh, Narasimha who is a great warrior,
I salute you to get rid of my debts

य इदं पठते नित्यं ऋणमोचनसंज्ञितम्
अनृणीजायते सद्यो धनं शीघ्रमवाप्नुयात्

Ya idaṁ paṭhatē nityaṁ r̥ṇamōcanasan̄jñitam
anr̥ṇījāyatē sadyō dhanaṁ śīghramavāpnuyāt

He who reads daily this prayer for getting rid of debts,
Would surely become debtless and would soon earn a lot of money.

||इति श्रीनृसिंहपुराणे ऋणमोचनस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ||

Audio of the Narasimha Stotram on MantraScience YouTube Channel





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