Navgraha Kavacham Yamal Tantra | नवग्रह कवच

Navgraha Kavacham Yamal Tantra - नवग्रह कवच

📅 Sep 13th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Navgraha Kavacham Yamal Tantra is a hymn to all the Nine Planets. A person who chants this kavach becomes free from the troubles created by planets, constellations, thieves, fire, etc. Vyasa Rishi says that there is no doubt about the result of chanting this Stotram.

Navgraha Kavacham Yamal Tantra is a hymn to all the Nine Planets. The Kavach is written to remove all the negative vibrations of nine planets.

By chanting this kavach the effect of bad dreams of men, women, kings, and so on will be destroyed. Everyone will have good health, wealth, and energy.

Navgraha is nine heavenly bodies and deities that influence human life on Earth in Hinduism and Hindu astrology. The term is derived from Nava and graha. Note that the Earth, Uranus, and Neptune are not included in the Navagraha.

The seven days of the week in the Hindu calendar also correspond with the Navagraha and are named accordingly in various languages of the Indian subcontinent.

A person who chants this kavach becomes free from the troubles created by planets, constellations, thieves, fire, etc. Vyasa Rishi says that there is no doubt about the result of chanting this Navgraha Stotram.

Regular chanting of this Kavacham stotra provides wealth and prosperity with longevity. The Kavacham stotra has the power to bless you with a son.

The Navagraha Kavacham stotra defeats all the enemies and makes you victorious. The Navagraha Kavacham stotra provides protection everywhere.

नीचे ‘यामलतन्त्र’ का एक ‘नवग्रह-कवच’ दिया जा रहा है। इसका श्रदधापूर्वक पाठ करने तथा इसे ताबीजमें रखकर भुजामें धारण करनेसे बहुत लाभ होता है।

Navgraha Kavacham Yamal Tantra


ॐ शिरो मे पातु मार्त्तण्डः कपालं रोहिणीपतिः ।
मुखमङगारकः पातु कण्ठं च शशिनन्दनः।।

बुद्धि जीवः सदा पातु हदयं भृगुनन्दनः।
जठरं च शनिः पातु जिहां मे दितिनन्दनः।।

पादौ केतुः सदा पातु वाराः सर्वाङ्गमेव च।
तिथयोऽषटौ दिशः पातु नक्षत्राणि वपुः सदा ।।

अंसौ राशिः सदा पातु योगश्च स्थैर्यमेव च।
सुचिरायुः सुखी पुत्री युद्धे च विजयी भवेत् ।

रोगात्प्रमुच्यते रोगी बन्धो मुच्येत बन्धनात् ।।
श्रियं च लभते नित्यं रिष्टिस्तस्य न जायते ।

यः करे धारयेन्नित्यं रिष्टिर्न तस्य जायते ।।
पठनात् कवचस्यास्य सर्वपापात् प्रमुच्यते ।

मृतवत्सा च या नारी काकवन्ध्या च या भवेत् ।।
जीववत्सा पुत्रवती भवत्येव न संशयः।

एतां रक्षां पठेद् यस्तु अङ्गं स्पृष्टापि वा पठेत् ।।

Om śirō mē pātu mārttaṇḍaḥ kapālaṁ rōhiṇīpatiḥ.
Mukhamaṅagārakaḥ pātu kaṇṭhaṁ ca śaśinandanaḥ..

Bud'dhi jīvaḥ sadā pātu hadayaṁ bhr̥gunandanaḥ.
Jaṭharaṁ ca śaniḥ pātu jihāṁ mē ditinandanaḥ..

Pādau kētuḥ sadā pātu vārāḥ sarvāṅgamēva ca.
Tithayō̕ṣaṭau diśaḥ pātu nakṣatrāṇi vapuḥ sadā..

Ansau rāśiḥ sadā pātu yōgaśca sthairyamēva ca.
Sucirāyuḥ sukhī putrī yud'dhē ca vijayī bhavēt.

Rōgātpramucyatē rōgī bandhō mucyēta bandhanāt..
Śriyaṁ ca labhatē nityaṁ riṣṭistasya na jāyatē.

Yaḥ karē dhārayēnnityaṁ riṣṭirna tasya jāyatē..
Paṭhanāt kavacasyāsya sarvapāpāt pramucyatē.

mrtavatsa ch ya naaree kaakavandhya ch ya bhavet ..
jeeva vatsa putravatee bhava tyev na sanshayah.

etaan rakshaan pathed yastu angan sprshtaapi va pathet ..

Click Here For The Audio of Kavach




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