Angarak Stotram | Prosperity | अङ्गारक स्तोत्रम्

Angarak Stotram - Prosperity - अङ्गारक स्तोत्रम्

📅 Sep 13th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary The Angaraka Stotram should be read for overall prosperity in life. This Mangal Stotra is from Skanda Purana. It is believed that whosoever recites this Angaraka Stotram daily, his debts and misfortune are eliminated from his life.

The Angaraka Stotram should be read for overall prosperity in life. The Stotra also helps to increase magnetism and attraction. Angaraka is the other name of Mars or Mangal.

Mars is the son of earth. This Mangal Stotra is from Skanda Purana. It is believed that whosoever recites this Angaraka Stotram daily, his debts and misfortune are eliminated from his life.

Mangal or Mars happens to be the natural significance of Stamina, courage, anger, desire, opponents, immovable properties, friends, energy, violence, brother and siblings, accidents, ambition, and enemies among other things.

Mars also governs blood-related problems, blood pressure, muscles, and bone marrow in the body so a malefic influence of the planet is likely to affect the same.

Mars plays the role of the protector of Dharma, the sacred path and purpose in life that each of us follows.

A strong Mars in the Horoscope gives one the energy, will, confidence and independence to carry out our endeavors. He receives abundance, riches, and a beautiful wife.

The negative influences of planet Mars are also removed from his life.

Angaraka Stotram Text

|अङ्गारकस्तोत्रम् ||
अस्य श्री अङ्गारकस्तोत्रस्य विरूपाङ्गिरस ऋषिः |
अग्निर्देवता गायत्री छन्दः |
भौमप्रीत्यर्थं जपे विनियोगः |

अङ्गारकः शक्तिधरो लोहिताङ्गो धरासुतः |
कुमारो मङ्गलो भौमो महाकायो धनप्रदः ||१||

ऋणहर्ता दृष्टिकर्ता रोगकृद्रोगनाशनः |
विद्युत्प्रभो व्रणकरः कामदो धनहृत् कुजः ||२||

सामगानप्रियो रक्तवस्त्रो रक्तायतेक्षणः |
लोहितो रक्तवर्णश्च सर्वकर्मावबोधकः ||३||

रक्तमाल्यधरो हेमकुण्डली ग्रहनायकः |
नामान्येतानि भौमस्य यः पठेत्सततं नरः ||४||

ऋणं तस्य च दौर्भाग्यं दारिद्र्यं च विनश्यति |
धनं प्राप्नोति विपुलं स्त्रियं चैव मनोरमाम् ||५||

वंशोद्द्योतकरं पुत्रं लभते नात्र संशयः |
योऽर्चयेदह्नि भौमस्य मङ्गलं बहुपुष्पकैः ||६||

सर्वा नश्यति पीडा च तस्य ग्रहकृता ध्रुवम् ||७||

angaarakah shaktidharo lohitaango dharaasutah |
kumaaro mangalo bhaumo mahaakaayo dhanapradah ||1||

rnaharta drshtikarta rogakrdroganaashanah |
vidyutprabho vranakarah kaamado dhanahrt kujah ||2||

saamagaanapriyo raktavastro raktaayatekshanah |
lohito raktavarnashch sarvakarmaavabodhakah ||3||

Raktamālyadharō hēmakuṇḍalī grahanāyakaḥ |
nāmān'yētāni bhaumasya yaḥ paṭhētsatataṁ naraḥ ||4||

r̥ṇaṁ tasya ca daurbhāgyaṁ dāridryaṁ ca vinaśyati |
dhanaṁ prāpnōti vipulaṁ striyaṁ caiva manōramām ||5||

vanśōddyōtakaraṁ putraṁ labhatē nātra sanśayaḥ |
yō̕rcayēdahni bhaumasya maṅgalaṁ bahupuṣpakaiḥ ||6||

sarvā naśyati pīḍā ca tasya grahakr̥tā dhruvam ||7||

||इति श्रीस्कन्दपुराणे अङ्गारकस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ||

Click Here For The Audio of Stotra




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