Rog Nashak Kali Shabar Mantra | रोग निवारण काली शाबर मन्त्र

Rog Nashak Kali Shabar Mantra - रोग निवारण काली शाबर मन्त्र

📅 Aug 30th, 2022

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Rog Nashak Kali Shabar Mantra is a very effective mantra to cure incurable as well as chronic diseases. In this particular mantra, humble prayer is made to protect the patient from diseases, whether known on unknown.

Rog Nashak Kali Shabar Mantra is a very effective mantra to cure incurable as well as chronic diseases. Despite refinements in contemporary medicine, sometimes medical conditions cannot be resolved. An advanced, progressive, or terminal illness is an incurable, life-limiting condition that is likely to cause a person of any age to die within days, weeks, months, or sometimes more than a year.

Incurable diseases can impact any person in the community. Some of these diseases are genetic in nature while others may be due to unhealthy behaviors, lifestyles, and nutrition. Often, the environment plays a role in the early onset of the disease.

The Kali Shabar mantra is a panacea to exterminate chronic and incurable diseases. The Shabar mantra has been used by many visionaries and is learned to be effective.

The Kali Mata Mantra cures all sicknesses, disorders, and troubles. Kali is the fearful and ferocious form of the mother goddess. Kali is depicted with perhaps the fiercest features amongst all the world’s deities.

She has four arms, with a sword in one hand and the head of a demon in another. The other two hands bless her worshippers.

The Goddess Kali is the guardian, also known as Kalika. The protectors, the Mother, Kali is Dharma and eternal time.

Kali shines with the brilliance of a million black fires of dissolution and her body is bathed in the sacred ash. Kali is revered as Bhavtirine i.e the redeemer of the universe.

Kali is the Goddess of time and change. Kali is Adi Mahavidya, the primary Mahavidya. She is the first and the foremost among the Mahavidyas.

In this respective mantra, humble prayer is made to protect the patient from diseases, whether known on unknown. The Kali mantra is practiced on any eclipse period or any other auspicious day.

How To Chant The Rog Nashak Kali Shabar Mantra

  • Start from any auspicious day or time.
  • After purification, light an oil lamp beside the picture, or Yantra. or the Idol of Mahakali.
  • Sit facing south. Worship the Ganpati and Guru.
  • Chant 1 mala of Guru Mantra before chanting the Rog nash mantra.
  • Offer incense, flowers, and prasad to Goddess Mahakali.
  • Chant 11 mala of this mantra with energized Black Hakik mala.
  • Do the mantra chants for 10 days.
  • On the 11th day, perform a fire ceremony of 1000 mantras with a mixture of grain, sesame seeds, Guggal, and cow ghee.
  • Now pick up the ashes of the fire ceremony and give them to the patient with hot water.
  • By doing so, chronic and incurable diseases vanish in a period of time.
  • The mantric should replace the 'amuk rogam' word with the name of the disease.

प्रस्तुत शाबर मंत्र अत्यन्त प्रभावशाली है जिसमें भगवती कालरात्रि से रोग, परप्रयोग एवं व्याधियों से रक्षा हेतु प्रार्थनी की गयी है। पर्वकाल या ग्रहणकाल में मंत्र को सिद्ध करने के पश्चात् शुभकाल या तिथि में विधिवत् मंत्र का जप करें। रात्रिकाल में जितेन्द्रियपूर्वक चण्डिका देवी के सम्मुख होकर दस हजार जप करें। ऐसा करने से सात रात्रि में ही मंत्र की सिद्धि हो जाती है।

दूब, अन्न, तिल, गुग्गल एवं शुद्ध घृत से दशांश हवन सम्पन्न करने तथा कन्या पूजन एवं भोजन कराने से समस्त उपद्रवों की शान्ति होती है तथा भगवती काली का परम सान्निध्य प्राप्त होता है। हवनीय द्रव्य की भस्म (निमित्त मात्र ) को गरम जल के साथ ग्रहण करने से असाध्य रोगों का शमन होता है एवं शतायु प्राप्त होती है। अन्य गुप्त विधान गुरुमुख से प्राप्त करें।

Rog Nashak Kali Shabar Mantra

रोग निवारण काली शाबर मन्त्र

'ॐ नमो भगवति कालरात्रिकलाधरे सकलभयंकरि समस्तरोगप्रयोगाद्यष्टधा संहारिणी अमुकरोगं नाशय नाशय सकल रोगोच्चाटनकुमारी खिदाडु तुजु कालरुद्र के आँणु । वीरभद्र के आँणु क्लीं क्लीं ह्रीं ग्लौं कालरुद्र के आँणु | ह्रीं आदिमाता के आँणु | मेरौ भक्ति गुरु की शक्ति फुरो मंत्र ईश्वरो वाचा ।

om namo bhagavatee kaalaraatrikalaadhaare sakalaabhyankaaree samastrogprayogadyaashtadha samarinee amukrogam nasay naashay gros rogochatanakumaaree khidaadu tuju kaalarudr kee vaarshik. veerabhadr ke aansoo svachchh, svachchh aur kaalarudr ke aansoo hain. hreen aadimaata ke aansoo. merau bhakti guru ka shakti phuro mantr eeshvaro vaacha.





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