Indra Mahalakshmi Mantra for Money | Proven

Indra Mahalakshmi Mantra for Money - Proven

📅 Sep 13th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Create Many Income Sources of Income with Indra Mahalakshmi Mantra for Money. This Indra mantra is practiced for increasing good luck energies & to have abundance of money. The mantra has been tested by many sadhakas and found to be effective.

Create Many Income Sources of Income with Indra Mahalakshmi Mantra for Money. This Indra mantra is practiced to increase good luck energies & to have an abundance of money.

Many seekers have tested the mantra and found it to be effective. The mantra has the power to fetch money from any source that you may not have imagined in your lifetime.

Mahalakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune. She is said to bring good luck in life. Goddess Laxmi is one of the most worshiped deities in the Hindu religion, believed to help in acquiring wealth, status, greatness, and fame.

She is the wife and Shakti of Vishnu. Lakshmi is considered another aspect of the same supreme goddess principle in the Shaktism tradition of Hinduism.

In Indian art, artists depict Lakshmi as an elegantly dressed, prosperity-showering golden-colored woman with an owl as her vehicle, signifying the importance of economic activity in the maintenance of life, and her ability to move, work, and prevail in confusing darkness.

How To Chant The Indra Mahalakshmi Mantra for Money

  • Practitioners use this Indra mantra to increase good luck energies and manifest a wealth of money.
  • Start from any auspicious day.
  • Wear yellow clothes for this purpose.
  • Worship Goddess Indra with incense & flowers.
  • Lit a pure ghee lamp before the picture of Goddess Indra.
  • Chant 5 rosaries of this mantra facing north.
  • Chant this mantra for 21 days.
  • After completion, chant 1 rosary every day for good fortune and money everywhere.

Indra Lakshmi Mantra

ॐ श्रीं इंद्रा श्रीं ह्रीं ॐ नमः |

“Om Shreem Indra Shreem Hreem Om Namah:”

Click Here To Listen to The Audio of This Mantra

Some seekers also recite the divine 108 names of Goddess Indra Mahalakshmi to obtain her blessings.

Indra Lakshmi 108 Names

श्री इंद्रा लक्ष्म्यष्टोत्तरशतनामावलिः 

ॐ  ब्रह्मज्ञायै नमः । ब्रह्मसुखदायै । ब्रह्मण्यायै । ब्रह्मरूपिण्यै ।
सुमत्यै । सुभगायै । सुन्दायै । प्रयत्यै । नियत्यै । यत्यै ।
सर्वप्राणस्वरूपायै । सर्वेन्द्रियसुखप्रदायै । संविन्मय्यै ।
सदाचारायै । सदातुष्टायै । सदानतायै । कौमुद्यै । कुमुदानन्दायै ।
क्वै नमः । कुत्सिततमोहर्यै नमः ॥ २०

Om brahmajnyaayai namah'. brahmasukhadaayai. brahmanyaayai . brahmaroopinyai .
Sumatyai . subhagaayai. sundaayai. prayatyai. niyatyai. yatyai .
sarvapraanasvaroopaayai. sarvendriyasukhapradaayai. sam'vinmayyai .
Sadaachaaraayai. sadaatusht'aayai. sadaanataayai. kaumudyai. kumudaanandaayai .
Kvai namah'. kutsitatamoharyai namah'.. 20

हृदयार्तिहर्यै नमः । हारशोभिन्यै । हानिवारिण्यै । सम्भाज्यायै ।
संविभाज्यायै । आज्ञायै । ज्यायस्यै । जनिहारिण्यै । महाक्रोधायै ।
महातर्षायै । महर्षिजनसेवितायै । कैटभारिप्रियायै । कीर्त्यै ।
कीर्तितायै । कैतवोज्झितायै । कौमुद्यै । शीतलमनसे ।
कौसल्यासुतभामिन्यै । कासारनाभ्यै । कस्यै नमः ॥ ४०

hri'dayaartiharyai namah' . haarashobhinyai . haanivaarinyai . sambhaajyaayai .
sam'vibhaajyaayai . aajnyaayai . jyaayasyai . janihaarinyai . mahaakrodhaayai .
mahaatarshaayai . maharshijanasevitaayai . kait'abhaaripriyaayai . keertyai .
keertitaayai . kaitavojjhitaayai . kaumudyai . sheetalamanase .
kausalyaasutabhaaminyai . kaasaaranaabhyai . kasyai namah' .. 40

तस्यै नमः । यस्यै । एतस्यै । इयत्ताविवर्जितायै । अन्तिकस्थायै ।
अतिदूरस्थायै । हृदयस्थायै । अम्बुजस्थितायै ।
मुनिचित्तस्थितायै । मौनिगम्यायै । मान्धातृपूजितायै ।
मतिस्थिरीकर्तृकार्यनित्यनिर्वहणोत्सुकायै । महीस्थितायै ।
मध्यस्थायै । द्युस्थितायै । अधःस्थितायै । ऊर्ध्वगायै । भूत्यै ।
वीभूत्यै । सुरभ्यै नमः ॥ ६०

tasyai namah' . yasyai . etasyai . iyattaavivarjitaayai . antikasthaayai .
atidoorasthaayai . hri'dayasthaayai . ambujasthitaayai .
munichittasthitaayai . maunigamyaayai . maandhaatri'poojitaayai .
matisthireekartri'kaaryanityanirvahanotsukaayai . maheesthitaayai .
madhyasthaayai . dyusthitaayai . adhah'sthitaayai . oordhvagaayai . bhootyai .
veebhootyai . surabhyai namah' .. 60

सुरसिद्धार्तिहारिण्यै नमः । अतिभोगायै । अतिदानायै । अतिरूपायै ।
अतिकरुणायै । अतिभासे । विज्वरायै । वियदाभोगायै । वितन्द्रायै ।
विरहासहायै । शूर्पकारातिजनन्यै । शून्यदोषायै । शुचिप्रियायै ।
निःस्पृहायै । सस्पृहायै । नीलासपत्न्यै । निधिदायिन्यै ।
कुम्भस्तन्यै । कुन्दरदायै । कुङ्कुमालेपितायै नमः ॥ ८०

surasiddhaartihaarinyai namah' . atibhogaayai . atidaanaayai . atiroopaayai .
atikarunaayai . atibhaase . vijvaraayai . viyadaabhogaayai . vitandraayai .
virahaasahaayai . shoorpakaaraatijananyai . shoonyadoshaayai . shuchipriyaayai .
nih'spri'haayai . saspri'haayai . neelaasapatnyai . nidhidaayinyai .
kumbhastanyai . kundaradaayai . kunkumaalepitaayai namah' .. 80

कुजायै नमः । शास्त्रज्ञायै । शास्त्रजनन्यै । शास्त्रज्ञेयायै ।
शरीरगायै । सत्यभासे । सत्यसङ्कल्पायै । सत्यकामायै । सरोजिन्यै ।
चन्द्रप्रियायै । चन्द्रगतायै । चन्द्रायै । चन्द्रसहोदर्यै ।
औदर्यै । औपयिक्यै । प्रीतायै । गीतायै । ओतायै । गिरिस्थितायै ।
अनन्वितायै नमः ॥ १००

kujaayai namah' . shaastrajnyaayai . shaastrajananyai . shaastrajnyeyaayai .
shareeragaayai . satyabhaase . satyasankalpaayai . satyakaamaayai . sarojinyai .
chandrapriyaayai . chandragataayai . chandraayai . chandrasahodaryai .
audaryai . aupayikyai . preetaayai . geetaayai . otaayai . giristhitaayai .
ananvitaayai namah' .. 100

अमूलायै नमः । आर्तिध्वान्तपुञ्जरविप्रभायै । मङ्गलायै ।
मङ्गलपरायै । मृग्यायै । मङ्गलदेवतायै । कोमलायै ।
महालक्ष्म्यै नमः ॥ १०८

amoolaayai namah' . aartidhvaantapunjaraviprabhaayai . mangalaayai .
mangalaparaayai . mri'gyaayai . mangaladevataayai . komalaayai .
mahaalakshmyai namah' .. 108

इति श्री इंद्रा लक्ष्म्यष्टोत्तरशतनामावलिः समाप्ता ।




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