Dhumavati Mahavidya Dhyan and Mantra

Dhumavati Mahavidya Dhyan and Mantra

📅 Sep 13th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Dhumavati Mahavidya Dhyan and Mantra just depicts the resemblance and mantra of Smoky Mahavidya Dhumavati. Dhumavati is a Mahavidya, a smoky form of energy or Shakti. Dhumavati is a eternal widow, the energy without Shiva. Dhumavati is one of Ten Mahavidyas. Dhumavati is the divine mother at the time of the deluge.

Dhumavati Mahavidya Dhyan and Mantra just depicts the resemblance and mantra of Smoky Mahavidya Dhumavati. Dhumavati is a Mahavidya, a smoky form of energy or Shakti. Dhumavati is an eternal widow, the energy without Shiva. Dhumavati is one of Ten Mahavidyas. Dhumavati is the divine mother at the time of the deluge, when the world was under water. She is often called tender-hearted and a bestower of boons. Dhumavati is described as a great teacher, one who reveals ultimate knowledge of the universe. Her ugly form teaches the devotee to look beyond the superficial, to look inwards and seek the inner truths of life.

Dhumavati is worshipped by the Tantrics for attainment of Siddhis (magical powers). Though Dhumavati’s worship is considered ideal for bachelors, widows, Sannyasins and Tantrics, the householders too flock to her seeking blessings and fulfillment of their desires. Dhumavati thus represents a stage of woman’s life that is beyond worldly desires, beyond the conventional taboos of what is polluting or inauspicious. She desires to be free and at the same time she likes to be useful to the family and to the society.

Dhumavati is described as a giver of siddhis (supernatural powers), a rescuer from all troubles, and a granter of all desires and rewards, including ultimate knowledge and moksha (salvation). Her worship is also prescribed for those who wish to defeat their foes.

Dhumavati Mahavidya Dhyan and Mantra

Vivarnaa chanchalaa dushtaa dheerghdhaa cha malinaambara
vimukhthakoonthala rooksha vidhava viraladwijaa
kaakadhwajarathaa rooddha vilambitha payodhara
shoorpahasthaathi rookshaakshaa dhootha hasthaa varanvithaa
pravir dhomatu brusham kutilaa kutilekshanna
kshupthipaasaardhitha nityamabhayadaa kalahaaspadhaa

धूमावती वर्णरहित, चंचला, मलिनवस्त्र धारण करने वाली, खुले व रूखे केशों वाली, विधवा स्वरूपा और विकरालस्वरूपा हैं। यह काग चिन्हयुत धवज के रथ पर आरूढ़ रहने वाली विलंबित पयोधरा हैं। हाथ मॆं झाड़ू धारण करने वाली, प्रवृद्धगोणा, नित्य क्षुधा, तृषारत रहने वाली, कलहकारिणी, भयदायिनी हैं । इसका कोई भी शिव नहीं है। यह साधक को चारों पदार्थ सुलभ कराती हैं और शत्रुओं का नाश करती हैं। लक्ष्मी प्राप्ति के इच्छुकों को धूमावती साधना करने पर अनुकूल फल की प्राप्ति होती है।

The dhyana mantra of Dhumavati says that she is ugly, unsteady, and angry. She is tall and wears filthy garments. Her ears are hideous and rough, she has elongated teeth, and her breasts hang down. She has a nose shaped like a crow's beak. She is sometimes said to resemble a crow, which appears as her emblem atop her chariot. She has the disposition of a widow. Her eyes are fearsome, and her hands tremble. In one hand she holds a winnowing basket, and with the other hand she makes the gesture of conferring boons. Her nature is discourteous. She constantly yearns for food and drink and is never satisfied. She likes to create conflict, and she is always terrifying in appearance.

Dhumavati Mantra

धूं धूं धूमावती ठः ठः
Dhoom dhoom dhoomavathi tthah tthah

Click Here To Listen The Mantra of Mahavidya Dhumavati





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