How Mantra Works | Meaning | Characteristics | Process

How Mantra Works - Meaning - Characteristics - Process

📅 Sep 13th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary How Mantra Works is an article that renders insight into the functioning of mantras in the universe. The universe is under the power of gods and the gods are under the power of Mantrams. Mantra is the sound-body of a god.

How Mantra Works is an article that provides insight into the functioning of mantras in the universe. The universe is under the power of gods and the gods are under the power of Mantras.

Mantra Meaning

Mantra is a projection of cosmic sound. Mantra is the principle of vibration born out of the conjunction of Shiva and Shakti. The mantra is the law of attraction. Mantra is the Primordial Energy, which is latent Within the letters of the mantras or mystic syllables.

Mantra is a mystic sound combination composed of Sanskrit letters, a simple mantra consists of ‘atomic’ monosyllabic sounds such as Krim, Hrim, Shrim, Aim, and more complex mantras are composed of a sequence of such syllables.

Mantra is a complete set of words from the Vedas attributed to the deities or Devas. Mantras have come down to us from our Maharishis, saints, Sadhus, and yogis who after the recitation of Mantras for several thousand years guided us to follow those mantras.

Mantras are single or strung-together syllables. Mantra is the sound-body of a god. Sanskrit letters are strung together like a wheel called Matrika Chakra. All Sanskrit letters are sacred.

How Mantra Works?

Each Mantra is packed with salubrious vibrations, the release of which spreads through the universe of the human body and spirit like the ripples generated by a rock dropped in a pond. The ripples in the mind lake created repeatedly by the mantras keep the physical, emotional, and mental state in good health.

It is also compared to a seed, which packs a tree inside, the growth of which depends upon the fertile soil. Such is the power of Mantra. A Mantra is a sound and or silent energy which has transformational power on the person who utters it. By Mantra a Devata is invoked.

Mantras are ugra and masculine, saumya and feminine, and neutral. Neutral and masculine Mantras terminate in Namah, Hum, Phat; feminine in Tham or Svaha. Ajapa (A + Japa = No + Chant) is the primal Mantra.

This chant-less Mantra pervades the breath going in and out, the subtle sound ‘sah’ going in and the subtle sound ‘ham’ going out.

Six Characteristic of a Mantra

  • The mantra was originally revealed to a Seer, Sage, or Rishi who has attained Siddhi.
  • Mantra has a presiding deity.
  • Mantra has a specific meter.
  • Mantra has a Bija, seed, or essence as its hypostasis.
  • Mantra carries shakti or power.
  • Mantra is like a jewel box whose lock has to be opened (by the aspirant) by prolonged repetition so that the aspirant receives self-realization and vision of the Ishta Devata (Deity of his or her desire).

The Process

Mantras are used in Tantric sadhanas or rituals, whispered or chanted in different combinations and contexts, selling up patterns of vibrations. One must learn to pronounce them properly as well as to understand their meaning.

Hindus believe that god, good health, good fortune, and victory over one’s enemies can be attained by chanting the right mantra.

According to the Puranas, Shastras, and Maharishis, Mantra is the only way to attain one’s desires, provided one recites mantras with complete faith and the prescribed methods and rules. The recitation of words of mantras should be pure and correct to create the right vibrations.

Mantra sadhana is very difficult. If during practice some drawbacks remain, it can inflict losses. Without faith and belief, such practice should be avoided. The guidance of a competent Guru or preceptor is quite necessary to attain success.




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