Dhumavati Yantra | धूमावती यन्त्र

Dhumavati Yantra - धूमावती यन्त्र

📅 Jun 25th, 2022

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Dhumavati Yantra is a potent Yantra to gain all the knowledge and true meaning of life. Dhumavati Mahavidya is a pure knowledge with hard experiences. Dhumavati symbolically portrays the disappointments, frustrations, humiliation, defeat, loss, sorrow, and loneliness that a woman endures.

Dhumavati Yantra is a potent Yantra to gain all the knowledge and true meaning of life. Dhumavati Mahavidya is pure knowledge with hard experiences. Dhumavati symbolically portrays the disappointments, frustrations, humiliation, defeat, loss, sorrow, and loneliness that a woman endures.

She is the knowledge that comes through hard experiences after the youthful desires and fantasies are put behind.

The Dhumavati Tantra describes her as an old and ugly widow. She is thin, tall, unhealthy, and has a pale complexion. She is described as restless and wicked. Unadorned with any jewel, she wears old, dirty clothes and has disheveled hair. Her eyes are fearsome, her nose long and crooked, and some of her long fang-like teeth have fallen out, leaving her smile with gaps.

Her ears are ugly and rough; her breasts hang down. In one of her trembling hands, she holds a winnowing basket, while the other makes a boon-conferring gesture (Varada-mudra) or knowledge-giving gesture (chin mudra). She rides in a horseless chariot bearing an emblem of a crow as her banner. She is astute and crafty. Always hungry and thirsty, Dhumavati initiates quarrels and invokes fear.

Dhumavati is worshipped by the Tantrics for the attainment of Siddhis (magical powers). Though Dhumavati’s worship is considered ideal for bachelors, widows, Sannyasins, and Tantrics, the householders flock to her seeking blessings and fulfillment of their desires.

Dhumavati thus represents a stage of a woman’s life that is beyond worldly desires, beyond the conventional taboos of what is polluting or inauspicious. She desires to be free and at the same time, she likes to be useful to the family and to society.

धूमावती का कोई स्वामी नहीं है। इसलिए यह विधवा माता मानी गई है। इनकी साधना से जीवन में निडरता और निश्चंतता आती है। इनकी साधना या प्रार्थना से आत्मबल का विकास होता है।

इस महाविद्या के फल से देवी धूमावती सूकरी के रूप में प्रत्यक्ष प्रकट होकर साधक के सभी रोग अरिष्ट और शत्रुओं का नाश कर देती है। प्रबल महाप्रतापी तथा सिद्ध पुरूष के रूप में उस साधक की ख्याति हो जाती है।

मां धूमावती महाशक्ति स्वयं नियंत्रिका हैं। ऋग्वेद में रात्रिसूक्त में इन्हें 'सुतरा' कहा गया है। अर्थात ये सुखपूर्वक तारने योग्य हैं। इन्हें अभाव और संकट को दूर करने वाली मां कहा गया है।

इस महाविद्या की सिद्धि के लिए तिल मिश्रित घी से होम किया जाता है। धूमावती महाविद्या के लिए यह भी जरूरी है कि व्यक्ति सात्विक और नियम संयम और सत्यनिष्ठा को पालन करने वाला लोभ-लालच से दूर रहें। शराब और मांस को छूए तक नहीं।

धूमावती का मंत्र

'ॐ धूं धूं धूमावती देव्यै स्वाहा:'

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