Mahavidya Shodashi Deeksha | षोडशी दीक्षा

Mahavidya Shodashi Deeksha - षोडशी दीक्षा

📅 Nov 22nd, 2022

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Mahavidya Shodashi Deeksha evokes innumerable advantages for all round financial prosperity and stability, expansion of business, name, and fame, blessed with long and prosperous married life.

Mahavidya Shodashi Deeksha evokes countless miracles for all round financial prosperity and stability, proliferation of business, name, and fame, blessed with long and successful married life. The results are realized immediately after the attainment of the Sadhna.

One who has mastered this Deeksha sadhana evolves like God Indra in his life.

Shodashi always stays sixteen years old making herself tempting or lovable and to be called by the name Sodhashi.

Goddess Shodashi is also called Tripur Sundari because she retains all sixteen supernatural powers. She is the Supreme Deity of the Srikula tantric lineage. She is the most adorable “Tantric Parvati”.

Shodashi Tripura Sundari is one of the groups of ten goddesses of Hindu faith, collectively called Mahavidyas. The Shodashi Tantra directs to Shodashi as the “Beauty of the Three Cities,” or Tripurasundari.

Tripura signifies the three worlds and Sundari means beauty. Shodashi Tripura Sundari is the transcending beauty of the three worlds.

As Shodashi, Tripurasundari is symbolized as a sixteen-year-old girl and is believed to embody sixteen types of desire. Tripurasundari is the primary goddess associated with the Shakta Tantric tradition known as Sri Vidya.

In tantra Sadhna of Dus Mahavidya Sadhak evaluates Shodashi to give instantaneous results to acquire beauty, good fortune, wealth, pleasure, and salvation. The hopeful Sadhak, having perfected this Sadhna, gets all Ashtsidhis.



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