Eradicate Sexual Thoughts Mantra | अनङ्ग उच्चाटन मन्त्र

Eradicate Sexual Thoughts Mantra - अनङ्ग उच्चाटन मन्त्र

📅 Sep 12th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary Eradicate Sexual Thoughts Mantra like Shiva Destroyed Kamadeva. Sexual orientation or inclinations sometimes can cause distress. The Kaam Uchchatan sadhana relates to Lord Shiva who destroyed the Kamadeva, when he tried to make an ugly impact on Lord Shiva.

Eradicate Sexual Thoughts Mantra like Shiva Destroyed Kamadeva. Sexual orientation or preferences sometimes can cause distress and confusion, especially while chanting mantras and performing the deity Sadhana.

The mind gets stuck on particular sexual fantasies and it remains stuck. The sadhak tries to visualize the Gods & Goddesses, but the scenes in the mind are different.

Sometimes sexual thoughts flash in the mind while doing the Sadhana. Sexual addiction often leads to repentance in this scenario.

It’s important to keep in mind that these thoughts can occur with or without compulsions. Additionally, having such thoughts doesn’t mean a person will act upon them.

The main cause of sexual obsession is a learned behavior that a person learns from his environment, like watching porn or sex scenes from movies.

Even the songs that a sadhak watch contain sexual messages. Those behavioral inputs get ingrained in the mind and come back especially while doing the mantra chants.

A sadhak tries to tame the mind and control sexual fantasies and images, but it keeps flashing again and again in the subconscious mind.

Sometimes the sadhak leaves the Sadhana just for this cause. This tendency can be contained by performing Kaam Uchchatan sadhana.

The Kaam Uchchatan experiment belongs to Lord Shiva, who destroyed the Kamadeva, the ‘God of Sex’ when he tried to make an ugly impact on Lord Shiva.

When Lord Shiva felt that somebody was trying to disturb him and his creation, he became angry and saw Kamadeva so he furiously opened his third eye and incinerated Madan or Kamadeva to ashes, and then applied his bhasma on his body and thus, known as Kameshwar(Lord of Kama).

Kaam Uchchatan Prayog is a wonderful ritual to contain sexual addiction, sexual desires, and sexual fantasies.

A sadhak should also consume satvik food while doing this Sadhana. TV shows, movies, and mobile addiction should be avoided to get a pure state of mind.

How To Chant The Eradicate Sexual Thoughts Mantra

  • The Kama Uchchatan Mantra should be started on any Thursday.
  • Chant 1 mala of the Guru mantra and perform Guru Puja.
  • Wear a white dress and sit facing north.
  • Chant 21 mala of Kama Uchchatan Mantra with Energized Coral Mala.
  • Have one meal only while doing the Sadhana.
  • After completion of the Sadhana chant the mantra 11 times in the morning and 11 times at night.

Kaam Uchchatan Mantra

ॐ नमः शिवाय पुष्टाय वरदाय अनङ्ग उच्चाटनाय नमः |
Om Namah Shivay Pushtay Varday Anang Uchchatnay Namah:

Instructions For Kama Uchchatan Mantra:
Energized Coral Mala
White Dress & White Asan
Count: 21000
Duration: 10 days
Starting Day: Thursday
The Sadhana must be performed once a year.

The seeker must recite these 18 names of Lord Shiva to control the temptations and other wrongdoings. 

अनँग उच्चाटन अष्ट दशनामावलिः 

ॐ महेश्वराय नमः ।
ॐ ईश्वराय  नमः ।
ॐ कामरूपाय  नमः ।
ॐ हराय  नमः ।
ॐ त्रिपुरान्तकाय ।
ॐ भवाय  नमः ।
ॐ गङ्गाधराय  नमः ।
ॐ महादेवाय  नमः ।
ॐ पशुपतये  नमः ।
ॐ पिनाकिने  नमः ।
ॐ शिवाय ।
ॐ शितिकण्ठाय  नमः ।
ॐ विरूपाक्षाय  नमः ।
ॐ त्रिणेत्राय  नमः ।
ॐ रुद्राय  नमः ।
ॐ शर्वाय ।
ॐ चन्द्रमौलये  नमः ।
ॐ जुं सः मृत्युञ्जयाय नमः । १८

इति अनँग उच्चाटन अष्ट दशनामावलिः समाप्ता ।

Anang Uchchatan 18 Names

om maheshvaraaya namah' .
om eeshvaraaya  namah' .
om kaamaroopaaya  namah' .
om haraaya  namah' .
om tripuraantakaaya .
om bhavaaya  namah' .
om gangaadharaaya  namah' .
om mahaadevaaya  namah' .
om pashupataye  namah' .
om pinaakine  namah' .
om shivaaya .
om shitikant'haaya  namah' .
om viroopaakshaaya  namah' .
om trinetraaya  namah' .
om rudraaya  namah' .
om sharvaaya .
om chandramaulaye  namah' .
om jum' sah' mri'tyunjayaaya namah' . 18




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