Shani Dash Namani Stotram | Meaning | 10 Names Shani

Shani Dash Namani Stotram - Meaning - 10 Names Shani

📅 Sep 13th, 2021

By Vishesh Narayan

Summary The Shani Dash Namani Stotram is a very short and effective stotra to remove the malefic effects of Lord Shani and Sade Satti. It is believed that by reciting ten names of Lord Shani in the morning one can easily bypass the negative impact of Saturn in the Kundli.

The Shani Dash Namani Stotram is a very short and effective stotra to remove the malefic effects of Lord Shani and Sade Satti. It is believed that by reciting ten names of Lord Shani in the morning one can easily bypass the negative impact of Saturn in the Kundli.

The ten names of Lord Shani also remove the dosha of Saturn in the 8th and 12th house of Kundli or horoscope.

Shani is the most feared god and is allotted the job of granting fruits of one’s deeds. Many people consider it as a negative planet but the fact is whether he will bless or curse depends on a person's deeds in the present and past life.

He punishes those involved in bad deeds and awards those with good deeds by blessing them with good health and progress in life.

Shani is the Lord of discipline and control. He shows us the truth and keeps us honest. As the slowest moving planet, Saturn’s tedious eye keeps track of every action that is performed. He admits no shortcuts and no easy ways out of difficult situations.

Shani is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Shani is the most feared god and is allotted the job of granting fruits of one’s deeds.

Shani is also known as Krura-lochan, – ‘the evil-eyed one’. It is believed that Shani’s gaze can spell disaster even to the most influential and powerful.

As a God, Saturn is black in color, short in stature, and lame because of injured legs. Shani is the son of Surya and Chhaya, the Shadow Goddess. Manu and Yama are his brothers.

Shani’s vehicle is a vulture. Shani is the ruler of our destinies and keeps an eye on our deeds and depending on our Karmas we will be rewarded or punished by Shani.

शनि देव को हिन्दू धर्म में न्याय का देवता माना जाता है। माना जाता है कि इनके प्रकोप से बड़े से बड़ा धनवान भी दरिद्र बन जाता है। शनिवार का दिन शनि देव को समर्पित होता है। इस दिन हनुमान जी को तेल चढ़ाने से शनि के साढ़ेसाती से मुक्ति मिलती है और शनि देव प्रसन्न होते हैं।

Shani Dash Namani Stotram Text

शनि दशनामानि स्तोत्र

कोणस्थः पिंगलो बभ्रुः कृष्णो रौद्रान्तको यमः ।
सौरिः शनैश्चरो मन्दः पिप्पलादेन संस्तुतः ।।
एतानि दशनामानि प्रातरूत्थाय यः पठेत् ।
शनैश्चर कृतः पीडा न कदाचित् भविष्यति ।।

Kōṇasthaḥ piṅgalō babhruḥ kr̥ṣṇō raudrāntakō yamaḥ.
Sauriḥ śanaiścarō mandaḥ pippalādēna sanstutaḥ..
Ētāni daśanāmāni prātarūt'thāya yaḥ paṭhēt.
Śanaiścara kr̥taḥ pīḍā na kadācit bhaviṣyati..

Click Here for the Audio of 10 Names Shani

Shani Dwadash Naam Meaning or 12 Names of Shani

Kunee, Sanaischaro, manda, chaya hrudaya nandana ,
Marthandaja sthadha souree, pathangee, Gruha nayaka,
Brahmanya kroora karma cha neela vasthro anjana dhuthi,
Dwadasithani Naamami prathar uthaya ya padeth,
SAnaischara bhayam nasthi. Lalkshmim aayuscha  vindathi,
Dwadasahta janmastha. yekadasa phala  pradha ,
Vishamasthobhi Bhagawan supreethasthya jayathe.

One with crooked feet, slow-moving, darling son of Chaya Devi,
Son of Sun God, archer, son of sun god , lord of planets,
Friend of Brahmin, one who does cruel acts, one who wears blue clothes, and one who is black.
He who reads these twelve names as soon as gets up in the morn,
Will have no fear of Saturn  and would be wealthy as  long as he lives,
For twenty births  he would get eleven times  more benefits,
And even if he is in trouble, he would become darling of God.




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