Swarnakarshan Bhairav Yantra belongs to the category of Bhairava which brings abundance and prosperity. There are 64 Bhairavas.
These 64 Bhairavas are grouped under eight categories and each category is headed by one major Bhairava.
The major eight Bhairavas are called Ashtanga Bhairavas. The Ashta Bhairavas control the eight directions of this universe.
Swarna Akarshana Bhairava Yantra can bless you with gold and other material wealth. His Yantra emits the divine energy that would bless you with money, gold, and other riches.
Here, Gold is personified as Goddess Lakshmi; hence, being blessed with gold symbolizes the entrance of the Goddess into your living space.
The Bhairava Yantra rituals lead to the achievement of gold and peace, nourishment, Vashikaran, charms, Mohan, Maran, elevation, learning, and every desire can be achieved.
Swarnakarshan Bhairav Yantra Benefits
- To harness the power of financial freedom.
- To remain fearless in every life situation.
- Helps in accumulating material comforts and prosperity.
- To perform Swarnakarshan Bhairav sadhana.
- The Yantra bestows all the wealth and richness on the worshipper.
- To attract wealth, success, materialistic comforts, and good fortune for the seeker.
Different Variations of Energized Swarnakarshan Bhairav Yantra
- Pran Pratishtith or Energized Swarnakarshan Bhairav Yantra (Normal Edition)
- Pran Pratishtith or Energized Swarnakarshan Bhairav Yantra with 21000 specialized Japa and Specialized Puja (Special Energized Edition)
Specifications: Size 2*2 inches, Weight 20 gm, Metal. Silver Polished.
Various Sadhana That Can Be Performed on The Swarnakarshan Bhairav Yantra