Veerabhadra Mantra is a divine tool to destroy enemies and groups of enemies. Lord Veerabhadra is a fierce avatar of Lord Shiva. Including Nandi, Bhringi, and Chandeshvara, Veerabhadra is also the Prathamagana of Lord Shiva.
Veera means brave and Bhadra means friend. He carries 4 weapons in his 8 hands. Bana (arrow), Khadga (sword), Dhanush (bow), and Khetaka (shield) along with attires garland of skulls.
He is so powerful that when Lord Vishnu threw his Sudarshan Chakra at him; he swallowed it. Goddess Sati, the daughter of Prajapati Daksh, wished to marry Lord Shiva, but her father despised him because of his peculiar attire of tiger skin and his constant company of ghosts.
But still, she married him. One day Prajapati Daksh did a Yagya inviting all the gods and his relatives except Goddess Sati and Lord Shiva. When Goddess Sati got to know about this, she pleaded with Lord Shiva to go to the Yagya, so he gave her permission to go over there.
She went over there and asked Daksh why he hadn't invited them and he said that he didn't invite them because he hated Lord Shiva. He insulted him a lot, which made Mother Sati angry and she sacrificed herself on the Yagya fire. Sage Narada told about this to Lord Shiva, who became angry.
He created two ferocious forms: Veerabhadra and Bhadrakali from his matted lock of hair. Veerabhadra was created to destroy Daksha and kill all his armies. Veerabhadra appeared so ferocious that his height was too tall to reach the heavens.
His complexion was as dark as the clouds, had many arms carrying terrible weapons, and wearing a garland of skulls. Veerabhadra and Bhadrakali represent the consecutively created energy of Shiva and Shakti in fierce form.
Lord Shiva instructed Veerabhadra to take all his army and destroy the Daksha. Veerabhadra went to Daksha Yagya with the gang of the armies. As the war began, he started chopping down the heads of the armies of Daksha. Veerabhadra also broke down the limbs of all the other gods and Rishis.
As mentioned in Skanda Purana, Lord Vishnu threw Sudarshan Chakra on Veerabhadra to kill him. But then, he was so powerful that he swallowed the most powerful Sudarshan Chakra. Finally, Veerbhadra chopped off the head of Daksha.
Lord Shiva could not bear the grief of Sati. He took the lifeless body out of Sati from Yagya and started roaming around the universe, carrying her on his back by neglecting his roles and responsibilities.
After the huge destruction in the Yagya, all the gods and Rishis went to Brahma to ask for help. Brahma reminded them that Shiva was the only creator of the entire universe and consulted them to make peace and harmony with Lord Shiva.
Brahma, along with them, went to Kailash and pleaded with Shiva to forgive Daksha and repair the broken limbs of gods and rishis.
Vishnu and Brahma both knew that an incomplete Yajna was impending and needed to be completed. They both went to Mount Kailash and Lord Brahma asked to forgive the behavior of his son and pleaded for his son's life.
The compassionate Mahadeva felt pity for Prasuti (Daksha’s consort) and restored his burnt head with a goat’s head. He also repaired the limbs of gods and rishis and made them original. Shiva calmed down and permitted Yaga to be completed.
Daksha then felt pity for his ignorance and invited Lord Shiva to the Yagya to complete it. In the presence of all other gods and Lord Shiva, Daksha ritually performed the Yagya. From that day onwards, Daksha became a great devotee of Lord Shiva.
Dhyana of Lord Veerabhadra
According to Shiv Mahapurana, it is believed that Bhagwan Veerabhadra resembles Parameshwara Mahadeva in appearance. Bhagwan Veerabhadra is infinitely strong. He has 2000 hands, each equipped with fearsome weapons.
His height is more than the 3 worlds!! Lord Veerabhadra possesses 3 eyes and innumerable great serpents entwine his divine body. Lord Veerabhadra's dress, features, and embellishments are the same as that of Parameshwara Mahadeva.
He has very long, terrifying arms. When he laughs, then the 3 worlds become filled with its echo. Lord Veerabhadra holds a trident whose luster and splendor surpasses the Sun, moon, and entire galaxy of stars.
Benefits of Veerabhadra Mantra
- The mantra provides protection from animals and predatory creatures.
- The Anushthan of this mantra simply boosts the memory power.
- Trikal Drishti or clairvoyance can easily be attained by chanting this mantra 10000 times. The seeker gets the ability to read signs of the past, present and future.
- • This sadhana should not be considered a joke. Nor should it be attempted in jest. This should be done only when necessary and for the welfare of oneself or someone else. Doing it to upset someone will be counterproductive.
- By chanting the basic mantra of Virbhadra daily, one gets freedom from all the difficulties of life. This mantra also helps in defeating enemies and improving the society.
Veerabhadra Mantra
"Om Veerbhadray Vairivansh Vinashay Sarvlok Bhayankaray Bheemveshay Hum Phat Shbhraum Shbhraum Hreem Kham Phat Ripun Phat Swaha"
वीरभद्र, भगवान शिव के परम आज्ञाकारी हैं और उनका रूप भयंकर है। उन्हें देखने में प्रलयाग्नि के समान और हजारों भुजाओं से युक्त दिखाई देते हैं। उनका श्यामवर्ण (गहरे नीले रंग का) होने के कारण वे मेघ की तरह प्रतीत होते हैं। उनके तीन जलते हुए बड़े-बड़े नेत्र और विकराल दाढ़ें हैं, जो सूर्य के तीन जलते हुए रूप को याद दिला सकते हैं।
वीरभद्र का रूप शिव ने अपनी जटा के द्वारा प्रकट किया था, इसलिए उनकी जटाएं सीधे ज्वालामुखी के लावा के समान होती हैं, जो भयंकरता का प्रतीक है। उनके गले में नरमुंड माला होती है, जो अपराधों का प्रतीक है और वे सभी प्रकार के अस्त्र-शस्त्र धारण करते हैं।
माता सती की मृत्यु के बाद, वीरभद्र स्वामी भगवान शिव के जटाओं से प्रकट हुए। उन्हें पहले रुद्र अवतार के रूप में भी जाना जाता है।
हालांकि, वीरभद्र का रूप भयानक हो सकता है, लेकिन शिवस्वरूप होने के कारण वे परम कल्याणकारी हैं। उनका मुख समय-समय पर प्रसन्न हो जाता है और इसका मतलब यह है कि वीरभद्र शीघ्र ही प्रसन्न होने वाले हैं, जैसे भगवान शिव।
वह भक्तों के लिए संरक्षक, विनाशकारी शक्ति के लिए अद्भुत एवं प्रभुत्व के प्रतीक हैं। भक्तो के जिज्ञासा हेतु यहाँ वीरभद्र गायत्री मंत्र, वीरभद् के मूल मंत्र, बीज मंत्र का संकलन किया गया हे।
वीरभद्र मंत्र पाठ के लाभ |
- मंत्र का बिना रुके लगातार दस हजार बार जप करने से त्रिकालदृष्टि, अर्थात् भूत, वर्तमान और भविष्य के संकेत पढ़ने की शक्ति विकसित होती है।
- यदि पशुओं या हिंसक जीवों के प्राणहानि का भय हो, तो मंत्र के सात बार जप से निवारण हो सकता है।
- मंत्र को एक हजार बार बिना रुके लगातार जप करने से स्मरण शक्ति में अद्भुत चमत्कार देखा जा सकता है।
- मंत्र का बिना रुके लगातार लक्षजप, यानी एक लाख जप रुद्राक्ष माला से करने पर खेचरत्व और भूचरत्व की प्राप्ति होती है। इसके लिए लाल वस्त्र धारण करके, लाल आसन पर विराजमान होकर उत्तर दिशा की ओर मुख करना चाहिए।
- वीरभद्र जी का मूल मंत्र प्रतिदिन जाप करने से जीवन के साड़ी कठिनाइयों से मुक्ति मिलती है। यह मंत्र दुश्मनों को पराजित करने और समाज में सुधार करने में भी सहायता करता है।
- इस साधना को हंसी-खेल नहीं समझना चाहिए। न ही इसे हंसी-ठहाके में प्रयास करना चाहिए। इसे आवश्यकता पड़ने पर और स्वयं या किसी अन्य के कल्याण के उद्देश्य से ही करना चाहिए। किसी को परेशान करने के उद्देश्य से करने पर उल्टा फल होगा।
वीरभद्र मंत्र
'ॐ वीरभद्राय वैरिवंशविनाशाय सर्वलोकभयंकराय भीमवेषाय हुं फट् श्भ्रौं श्भ्रौं ह्रीं खं फट् रिपुन् फट् स्वाहा।'
श्री अघोर वीरभद्र प्रलयकालहुङ्कार वीरभद्रमालामहामन्त्रः ।
मन्त्रः -
ॐ विं ॐ नमो भगवते श्री अघोरवीरभद्राय त्रिनेत्रमुकुटाय
चन्द्रकलाधराय जटाजूटमणिकुण्डलभूषणाय महाभयङ्करस्वरूपाय
महाप्रलयकालस्वरूपाय युगयुगान्तकालप्रचण्डध्वंसकाय
खट्वाङ्ग कपाल पाश त्रिशूल डमरुक करवालफलखड्ग
धनुर्हस्तायानन्तकर्णकुण्डलाय वासुकिकर्णाभरणाय तक्षकहाराय
कार्कोटकयज्ञोपवीताय शङ्खपालघटिकसूत्राय पद्मपादपुरिकटकाय
महापद्मवन्दितपादयुगलाय सर्वगुणडम्बरविनोदानाय
आचारप्रतिपालनायानाचारसंहारणाय अद्भुतशक्तिप्रदाय
मौक्तिकमुक्ताभरणाय दक्षमखविध्वंशनाय सोमसूर्याग्निलोचनाय ॐ
श्रीं अघोरप्रलयकालहुङ्कार अघोर वीरभद्र
ब्रह्मगृहं बन्धय बन्धय विष्णुगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
रुद्रगृहं बन्धय बन्धय केतुगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
इन्द्रदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय अग्निदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
यमदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय नैरृतिदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
वरुणदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय वायुदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
कुबेरदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय ईशानदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
आकाशदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय अवान्तरदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
पातालदशगृहं बन्धय बन्धय यक्षगणं बन्धय बन्धय
राक्षसगणं बन्धय बन्धय गन्धर्वगणं बन्धय बन्धय
किन्नरगणं बन्धय बन्धय किंपुरुषगणं बन्धय बन्धय
भूतगणं बन्धय बन्धय प्रेतगणं बन्धय बन्धय
पिशाचगणं बन्धय बन्धय ब्रह्मराक्षसगणं बन्धय बन्धय
जटिग्रहं बन्धय बन्धय कुम्भिनीगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
शुभिनिगृहं बन्धय बन्धय बालगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
शाकिनीगृहं बन्धय बन्धय डाकिनीगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
हाकिनीगृहं बन्धय बन्धय मोहिनीगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
कामिनीगृहं बन्धय बन्धय वीरगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
शूरगृहं बन्धय बन्धय लण्डिगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
चण्डीगृहं बन्धय बन्धय स्मशानक्काटेरिगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
जलकाट्टेरिगृहं बन्धय रक्तक्काटेरिगृहं बन्धय
शूट्टेरिगृहं बन्धय बन्धय नाट्टेरिगृहं बन्धय
कन्नियेरि गृहं बन्धय काञ्चिलेरिगृहं बन्धय
नाविलेरिगृहं बन्धय मुट्टेरिगृहं बन्धय
मुनियेरिगृहं बन्धय चतुष्षष्टिमन्त्रस्थापितग्रहान् बन्धय
जटामुनिग्रहं बन्धय एवलमुनिग्रहं बन्धय
श्मशानवासुकिगृहं बन्धय नानावर्णगृहं बन्धय बन्धय
नानाजातिगृहं बन्धय बन्धय सर्वदुष्टग्रहान् बन्धय बन्धय
ॐ अघोरप्रलयकालहुङ्कारसंहारवीरभद्राय ब्रह्माण्डरोमकूपविलम्बिताय
लोकैकनाथाय त्रैलोक्यडम्बराय
ॐ विं अघोरप्रलयकालहुङ्कार संहारवीरभद्र आगच्छ आगच्छ
आकर्षय आकर्षय आवेशय आवेशय
अवतारय ललललल लिलिलिलिलि लुलुलुलुलु अघोरप्रलयकालवीरभद्र
शीघ्रं शीघ्रं आकर्षय आकर्षय आवेशय आवेशय स्तम्भय
स्तम्भय मोहय मोहय भ्रामय भ्रामय भीषय भीषय पेषय
आपूरय पारु फारु पोक ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रूं श्रीं अघोरप्रलयकालहुङ्कार
अघोरवीरभद्राय नमस्ते नमस्ते स्वाहा ।
इति श्रीवीरभद्रमालामहामन्त्रः सम्पूर्णः ।
Veerabhadra Mala Mantra
shree aghora veerabhadra pralayakaalahunkaara veerabhadramaalaamahaamantrah' .
mantrah' -
om vim om namo bhagavate shree aghoraveerabhadraaya trinetramukut'aaya
chandrakalaadharaaya jat'aajoot'amanikund'alabhooshanaaya mahaabhayankarasvaroopaaya
mahaapralayakaalasvaroopaaya yugayugaantakaalaprachand'adhvamsakaaya
khat'vaanga kapaala paasha trishoola d'amaruka karavaalaphalakhad'ga
dhanurhastaayaanantakarnakund'alaaya vaasukikarnaabharanaaya takshakahaaraaya
kaarkot'akayajnyopaveetaaya shankhapaalaghat'ikasootraaya padmapaadapurikat'akaaya
mahaapadmavanditapaadayugalaaya sarvagunad'ambaravinodaanaaya
aachaarapratipaalanaayaanaachaarasamhaaranaaya adbhutashaktipradaaya
mauktikamuktaabharanaaya dakshamakhavidhvamshanaaya somasooryaagnilochanaaya om
shreem aghorapralayakaalahunkaara aghora veerabhadra
brahmagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya vishnugri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
rudragri'ham bandhaya bandhaya ketugri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
indradashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya agnidashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
yamadashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya nairri'tidashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
varunadashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya vaayudashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
kuberadashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya eeshaanadashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
aakaashadashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya avaantaradashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
paataaladashagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya yakshaganam bandhaya bandhaya
raakshasaganam bandhaya bandhaya gandharvaganam bandhaya bandhaya
kinnaraganam bandhaya bandhaya kimpurushaganam bandhaya bandhaya
bhootaganam bandhaya bandhaya pretaganam bandhaya bandhaya
pishaachaganam bandhaya bandhaya brahmaraakshasaganam bandhaya bandhaya
jat'igraham bandhaya bandhaya kumbhineegri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
shubhinigri'ham bandhaya bandhaya baalagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
shaakineegri'ham bandhaya bandhaya d'aakineegri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
haakineegri'ham bandhaya bandhaya mohineegri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
kaamineegri'ham bandhaya bandhaya veeragri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
shooragri'ham bandhaya bandhaya land'igri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
chand'eegri'ham bandhaya bandhaya smashaanakkaat'erigri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
jalakaat't'erigri'ham bandhaya raktakkaat'erigri'ham bandhaya
shoot't'erigri'ham bandhaya bandhaya naat't'erigri'ham bandhaya
kanniyeri gri'ham bandhaya kaanchilerigri'ham bandhaya
naavilerigri'ham bandhaya mut't'erigri'ham bandhaya
muniyerigri'ham bandhaya chatushshasht'imantrasthaapitagrahaan bandhaya
jat'aamunigraham bandhaya evalamunigraham bandhaya
shmashaanavaasukigri'ham bandhaya naanaavarnagri'ham bandhaya bandhaya
naanaajaatigri'ham bandhaya bandhaya sarvadusht'agrahaan bandhaya bandhaya
om aghorapralayakaalahunkaarasamhaaraveerabhadraaya brahmaand'aromakoopavilambitaaya
lokaikanaathaaya trailokyad'ambaraaya
om vim aghorapralayakaalahunkaara samhaaraveerabhadra aagachchha aagachchha
aakarshaya aakarshaya aaveshaya aaveshaya
avataaraya lalalalala lilililili lululululu aghorapralayakaalaveerabhadra
sheeghram sheeghram aakarshaya aakarshaya aaveshaya aaveshaya stambhaya
stambhaya mohaya mohaya bhraamaya bhraamaya bheeshaya bheeshaya peshaya
aapooraya paaru phaaru poka hraam hreem hroom shreem aghorapralayakaalahunkaara
aghoraveerabhadraaya namaste namaste svaahaa .
iti shreeveerabhadramaalaamahaamantrah' sampoornah' .