
Panchanguli Mantra | पंचांगुली त्रिकालदर्शी मंत्र Benefits

Panchanguli Mantra - पंचांगुली त्रिकालदर्शी मंत्र Benefits

Jan 16, 2025

Panchanguli mantra, a Hindu goddess associated with time knowledge and future prediction, is a divine mantra used by palmists and psychics to foresee events.
Vancha Kalpalata Mantra | वांछा कल्पलता साधना Benefits

Vancha Kalpalata Mantra - वांछा कल्पलता साधना Benefits

Jan 14, 2025

The Vancha Kalpalata Mantra, a popular Sri Vidya mantra, combines the words 'Vanchha' (desire) and 'Kalpalata' (creeper), symbolizing the divine powers that grant desires to the seeker.
Aprajita Stotra | त्रैलोक्य विजया अपराजिता स्तोत्रम्

Aprajita Stotra - त्रैलोक्य विजया अपराजिता स्तोत्रम्

Dec 12, 2024

Reciting the Aprajita Stotra correctly can eliminate diseases, enemies, and flaws, particularly for legal success. And remaining undefeated in the litigations and battles. Aparajita, a manifestation of the Hindu goddess Durga, embodies inner strength, fortitude, and triumph.
Swapna Varahi Mantra | स्वप्न वाराही साधना

Swapna Varahi Mantra - स्वप्न वाराही साधना

Apr 18, 2024

Swapna Varahi Mantra is a divine ritual to enter into the dreaming consciousness and get the answers to your queries. This mantra Sadhana simply transfers the ability to control the astral body in dreams. With this experiment, we can identify the events happening in life completely and evidently in dreams.
Varahi Shabar Mantra | Remove Maili Tantra Vidya

Varahi Shabar Mantra - Remove Maili Tantra Vidya

Sep 14, 2023

Varahi Shabar Mantra is an effective mantra to remove all kinds of maili tantra vidya. The Varahi mantra has the inbuilt power to remove evil eyes and negative vibrations surrounding the infected person. She is also considered to be the protector of the cosmos.
Ganga Mantra | 5 Most Powerful Mantras

Ganga Mantra - 5 Most Powerful Mantras

Jul 28, 2023

Ganga Mantra is a holy mantra to terminate all sins and to bring plenitude to this life. The 5 powerful mantras are utilized by many seekers to shed all the past lives karmas and to acquire liberation.
Tulasi Mantra | 8 Names of Tulasi | Meaning

Tulasi Mantra - 8 Names of Tulasi - Meaning

Jun 3, 2023

Tulasi Mantra is a divine mantra to get blessings from the deities and Lord Krishna. Tulasi is a plant most blessed to Krishna. Tulasi, also understood as ‘holy basil’ is auspicious in all regards. With her blessings, one can cultivate bhakti.
Pratyangira Mantra To Remove Black Magic

Pratyangira Mantra To Remove Black Magic

Apr 22, 2023

Pratyangira Mantra To Remove Black Magic is a very useful mantra of the violent goddess Pratyangira. The mantra simply reverses any kind of tantra, mooth or negative energy. She is portrayed to be the female energy and consort of Narasimha.


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